Rev David P. Knox, Rector
Altar Guild
Altar Guilds are often referred to as the “Silent” Ministry as their ministrations are completed behind the scenes. Their "work" is on display throughout the services.
The All Saints Altar Guild consists of a group of dedicated ladies who are responsible for preparing the Lord's Table for each service. Upon entering the church prior to preparation, a short prayer is said: "Almighty God, grant we beseech thee, that we may handle holy things with reverence and perform our work with such faithfulness and devotion that it may rise with acceptance before thee and obtain they blessing through Christ our Lord. Amen"
They then reverently set about their duties. They try to work in “pairs” when setting up the altar though for some of the mid-week services only one person is needed. After each service, the vessels are washed and put away in the Sacristy unless there is a 2nd Communion service following in which case the Table is re-set with clean vessels and linens.
The Altar Guild member goes through extensive “on-the-job training” to make sure she is comfortable with her duties. Some of the things she is required to know: what colors to use on the Table, Pulpit, and Epistle Stand (seasonal as well as special services) what candles will be lit, and the placement of items on the Credence table (the serving table next to the Lord's Table) as well as the Communion set-up placed on the Table. Since we also care for the linens, we are required to know how they are to be folded after washing and ironing. One of our members also makes some of our smaller linens such as purificators and Baptismal towels. During special seasons (such as Christmas and Easter) there are additional duties required of the Altar Guild along with extra service preparations.